Running and Ellis Smiles

I don’t know what’s come over me recently. I think I am worried about middle-age spread. I am running an awful lot lately. This month so far I have run around 50 miles. I am also getting faster. Yesterday I ran 5km in 21:36. Last month it was taking me 24 minutes to do the same distance. I have also run home from work a couple of times, which is 10 miles and another 10 miles along Worthing seafront. I hope I can keep it up.

Dad and Lynn came to visit last weekend and took us for dinner at The Fish Factory. I had Catfish. We are eating a lot more fish as a family but we just can’t stop the lattes. That’s what’s putting the weight on. We’ve purchased a very posh set of weighing scales. They are WIFI capable and can differentiate between users. The results are sent to a website and synced to our iPhones and iPad! Cool.

No luck on the job front as yet but I don’t have my degree result back either so perhaps I’ll have more interest come September. Quite keen to have the summer off anyway! The graduate jobs all seem to be marketing or recruitment consultancy posts though. Rubbish.

Elsa is exploding with language. She has so many words now. Unfortunately one of the is ‘Booby’ which she’s uses too often in public to ask more milk! We are buying her a pair of size 5 shoes today and she currently weighs around 10.5kg.

Ellis has begun smiling. He started a week or so ago although it’s only the occasional grin, it’s definitely not wind.

Hal and Jev have been coming regularly since the bloody Social Service sham. It’s all good now and I feel like Debbie is ok about it all too. She’s so much friendlier than she used to be 2 years ago. Took the boys swimming last time and they went on the Water Walkerz too. I’m picking them up this afternoon again so hopefully the sun will stay out and we can play football.

The wedding plans are moving slowly forward. We have booked The Regency Room in Brighton Registry Office and have set the date for my birthday, November 11th. We have told a few people and I have asked Cameron if he could be my Best Man. The rings are next to sort out. Victoria is having hers made from the gold of her fathers wedding ring. Don’t think we can afford a honeymoon.

We have ordered a sofa from DFS. It’s untreated leather and is very nice. Delivery in 4 weeks.



