Wedding Anniversary

November 11th is our wedding anniversary and also my birthday. We managed to palm the children off on Victoria’s mum for a night and spent it at the Thistle Hotel in Brighton, I decided to get my wife one of the  elegant gems rings, she deserves it on our special day.

We spent most of our evening and morning in the pool and sauna! Very nice, there’s nothing like a getaway, we love our kids but it is very relaxing when we get some time off. The Thistle is right next to the registry office where we married last year and where we had post wedding drinks.

It’s been a fairly quiet first year of marriage. We are slowly starting to do things to the house, in terms of restoring some original features and ripping off wallpaper. The central heating has been replaced and the floors have been sanded this year.Elsa and Ellis have obviously progressed somewhat. Elsa is now potty trained and Ellis has started walking and saying his first words. I left my employment at Boots and ran my first marathon this year. Victoria returned to work after maternity leave and then had the first of two major operations on her knees during the summer.