Hayling Island 10 Mile Race

Hayling Island 10 Mile Race

Yesterday I ran the Hayling Island 10 mile race. I seem to be incredibly lucky with race day weather recently. It was a gorgeous, crisp, bright morning as Richard and I set off towards Portsmouth.

Dirty Running Kit

Having not raced the Hayling Island 10 mile race before we left rather earlier than we perhaps needed to. Just as well though as, like a fool, I had not washed my running kit and found it in the dirty washing just before we left. My wife very kindly hand washed it and threw it in the spin. By the time I put it on it has been drying on the car heaters for an hour so all was well.

Hayling Island 10 mile race - StartMy son Jevan was with us and he was very useful for carrying things so we didn’t have to go back to the car once we’d parked.

We collected our race numbers and I bumped in to Mike from Goring Runners who I know from Parkrun. After a brief warm up on a rather wet field, we headed to the start line on Bacon Lane.

Hayling Island 10 Mile Race

I’ve been running quite well recently and I am injury free. I had put this race in the diary specifically because it is a 10 miler and I have run a proper 10 mile road race sine 2012. My PB was 72 minutes and I knew I was capable of better. So I set off with a plan to run 7 minute miles and come in just under 70 minutes. Richard was hoping for sub 67 minutes and Mike was planning on beating the Goring Road Runners record of 69 minutes.

Hayling Island 10 mile race - Race NumberHowever, plans often go awry from the very outset and that is precisely what happened. I sped off at the gun, caught up in the enthusiasm of the start and found my first mile ticked by in 6:40. Then the second mile disappeared in 6:40 too. Thing is, I felt fine. I was running well within myself. So I decided to stay where I was. I could see Richard and Mike up ahead and kept them in my sights. The first two miles of the Hayling Island 10 mile race are on a road heading away from the seafront. We then turn and follow the Billy Trail back down to the coast road.

Playing Catch Up

Around mile 4 Mike began to tire and I caught him. I was also, very gradually, gaining on Richard. I was keeping to 6:40 minute miles and still feeling strong. I know I have said over and over that I can’t stomach gels. However, that tends to be in marathons. For short distances I can take one gel and generally I’m ok. I had a High 5 Isogel in my pocket, which I took at 5 miles and felt fine.

Hayling Island 10 mile race - Results

By now I was definitely catching Richard. However, there are three or four turns in the Hayling Island 10 mile race where runners come back on themselves and see who’s behind them. Richard could see I wasn’t far behind and I’m sure that spurred him on!

Perfect Running Weather

The sun was out and there was no wind, which is pretty amazing for the South Coast at Portsmouth! Miles 5, 6 and 7 are run on Ferry Road out and back. Miles 8, 9 and 10 are out and back on the seafront.

Hayling Island 10 mile race - With our medalsThe final turn was just after 8 miles and I was about 20 metres down. I gave it all I had but Richard is a strong runner.

As we came to the final 300 metres I was caught by a guy who had been chasing me down for a few miles. The three of us sprinted up the path to the finish and I stopped my watch on 66:37.

PB Tastic

The Hayling Island 10 mile race is now my 10 mile PB course! Richard was ahead of me by 7 seconds. The final official results gave me a time of 66:40 with Richard on 66:33. We came 28th and 30th. Mike was not far behind in 68:30, well inside his goal time.

A great mornings running. Smashed by previous 10 mile best by 6 minutes and felt great in the process. All enjoyed in the good company of number 2 son and running buddies Richard and Mike.