Disappointing 20 Miles

Completed a very disappointing first Worthing 20 mile race on Sunday (Mothers Day). Planned to run in 2:40:00 to beat my PB by 3 minutes. However, for some reason, I decided I needed more energy gels than I have ever used before. Along with the energy drinks being handed out as well, I actually overdosed on the stuff and rather than giving me extra pace it slowed me to a stop in the final 3 miles.

I did mile 18 in 10:43!! My average pace had been 8:00 minutes/mile. I had to walk for a while and eventually finished in 2:48:14. Almost collapsed at the end of the race and when I got home I threw up all the energy gels which hadn’t been digested. Lesson learned I guess. Must make sure I don’t do that during the Paris Marathon.




