Looking for a new job

It’s July. Victoria is on maternity leave looking after Ellis and Elsa. I am still working just two days a week at Boots in Hove. However, I am about to get a degree and I’ve decided to try and get a graduate job…whatever that is. I am registering with various recruitment agencies and scouring The Guardian for jobs. I have a plan to apply to the BBC for their Journalism Traineeship which opens for applications in September. I do not want to get stuck in a dead end job again and I want to do something I am good at which I enjoy, as everyone does I imagine.

I am also on a bit of a health kick at present. I am running every Saturday morning at parkrun in Hove Park. It’s a three mile timed race. I began a few weeks ago and my time was 26 minutes. I am now doing the same distance in 23 minutes. The winners usually do it in around 16 minutes. I don’t think I’ll manage that but I hope I can do a sub 20 minutes one day. I am also running midweek occasionally. I ran back to Worthing from Hove last week. 9.3 miles in 1hr 25 mins.

Elsa is growing fast. She can say a few words now, but isn’t stringing them together yet. She says “a poo”, porridge, apple, bye bye, shower, stairs and plenty more. Ellis is five weeks old. I don’t feel thoroughly engaged with him yet. I need to see his personality emerge a little. Perhaps when he starts smiling I’ll begin to enjoy him more. He is a very handsome chap though.

Hallum and Jevan will be coming over tomorrow evening for our usual fortnightly meeting. I find it very difficult balancing my two families. Victoria doesn’t see Hal and Jev as anything to do with her, which is really upsetting. I get the impression she would prefer me to concentrate all my effort, love and money on Ellis and Elsa. I wish she could see them as part of our family and treat them as such. I wish our spare room was their room with their clothes in to make them really feel part of the home. It may take some time for Victoria to come round! I love Hal and Jev so much and won’t ever leave them out of my life, but it does feel like they have a completely separate existence to me most of the time.

