Surrey Half Marathon

The Liberating Experience of Running Without a Watch

Have you ever considered running without a watch? No, not literally running naked, but leaving your trusty timepiece at home and just enjoying the experience of running without the burden of tracking your pace, heart rate, and other metrics. It may sound crazy, but hear me out.

As runners, we are constantly bombarded with data and numbers. We obsess over our splits, our heart rate zones, and our pacing strategy. It’s as if we’re wearing a psychological straightjacket that limits our enjoyment of the run. But what if we could break free from this constraint and just run for the pure joy of it?

Recently, I tried running a half marathon without looking at my watch, and it was a liberating experience. Instead of constantly checking my pace, I was able to focus on my surroundings and enjoy the feeling of running fast.

Here’s a breakdown of my experience and why I think every runner should try running without a watch at least once:

The Straightjacket of a Watch

We’re so used to relying on our watches to dictate our pace and effort level that we forget to listen to our bodies. We train with goal paces in mind and lock into specific paces for different types of runs. We check our heart rate zones to make sure we’re in the right zone. We glance down at our watch and adjust our pace accordingly, even if it means deviating from our natural rhythm.

By running without a watch, I was able to break free from this constraint. I had no feedback on how fast or slow I was going, and it was surprisingly liberating. I could focus on my surroundings and enjoy the feeling of running fast without worrying about hitting a specific pace.

The Mind-Body Connection

There’s a strong connection between our mind and body, and we often forget that they don’t function independently. By running without a watch, I was able to reconnect with my body and listen to its cues. I could tell when I was running fast, and I knew when to settle into a comfortable pace.

I also noticed that my effort level remained consistent throughout the race in terms of heart rate. It gradually rose during the race and spiked towards the end when I could smell the finish line. But overall, I was able to maintain a steady effort level without constantly adjusting my pace based on my watch.

The Freedom to Run Fast

When we’re tied to our watches, we tend to be more conservative in our pacing strategy. We tell ourselves not to be a hero, not to go off too fast, and to stick to the plan. But by running without a watch, I was able to let go of these constraints and just run fast.

I didn’t have to worry about hitting a specific pace, so I could start fast and settle into a comfortable rhythm. I could let go of the fear of going too fast and just enjoy the feeling of running fast.

SURREY HALF MARATHON Experiment | Ditching the WATCH

The Results

So, what were the results of running without looking at my watch? Well, I finished the Surrey Half Marathon in 1 hour 24 minutes and 10 seconds, which was faster than I thought I was going. In fact, the last 10k was faster than my official 10K PB of 39 minutes and 43 seconds.

But more importantly, I enjoyed the experience of running without checking the watch every few seconds! I was able to focus on my surroundings and connect with my body. I was able to let go of the burden of tracking my pace and just enjoy the feeling of running fast.


Running without a watch may sound crazy, but it’s an experience that every runner should try at least once. By breaking free from the constraints of tracking our pace, we can reconnect with our bodies and enjoy the pure joy of running. We can let go of the fear of going too fast and just run fast for the sheer pleasure of it.

Of course, I’m not suggesting that you should throw away your watch altogether. Tracking your progress and seeing your improvement over time can be incredibly motivating. But by running without a watch every now and then, you can reconnect with the joy of running and remind yourself why you fell in love with the sport in the first place.

So, the next time you lace up your running shoes, why not leave your watch at home and just enjoy the freedom of running without constraints? Who knows, you may surprise yourself with what you’re capable of achieving.

And if you’re still not convinced, here are some FAQs that may help:


  1. What if I get lost without my watch?

Well, as long as you know the route, you should be fine. And if you’re worried about getting lost, you can always use a phone app to track your distance and time.

  1. How will I know if I’m improving without tracking my pace?

You can still track your progress by timing yourself on certain routes or comparing your times from previous races. And remember, running isn’t just about improving your pace. It’s also about enjoying the experience and feeling good.

  1. What if I slow down too much and don’t finish in time?

Unless you’re running a race with a strict time limit, there’s no need to worry about finishing in a specific time. Just enjoy the experience and focus on finishing strong.

  1. Can I still use my watch for safety reasons?

Of course! If you’re running in an unfamiliar area, it’s always a good idea to have a watch or phone app to track your distance and time. Safety should always be a top priority.

  1. What if I can’t resist the urge to check my watch?

That’s okay! It’s a habit that’s hard to break. But try to resist the urge as much as possible and focus on the experience of running. And remember, it’s okay to run without a watch every now and then.