Training in the Cold

Bloody hell it’s cold out there. I really had to motivate myself yesterday to get out and run.

Currently I am in training for the Brighton Half Marathon in February, the Sport Relief Mile in March (I think) and the Paris Marathon in April. In addition to that I continue to try and improve my parkrun PB.

I have managed under 20 minutes for the 5k race twice so far. My PB is 19:49. This Saturday I came in dead on 20:00, which annoyed me as I didn’t push myself hard enough at the start. I’d really like to beat my PB before the end of the year but we’ll see.

I am trying to decide whether to run for Christian Aid or not. I’m not a Christian so perhaps it’s hypocritical of me. But then again I am sympathetic to the cause and think they do a good job. I’m running the Paris Marathon for Macmillan Cancer.

Later next year I’m doing the Great North Run for The Born Free Foundation and The Great South Run for the second time for The British Red Cross. All good causes but I like the fact that I’m part of the Born Free Foundation because our daughter, Elsa, is named after the lion.

